2024 退修會  Church Retreat

2024 退修會報名表 / Retreat Registration Form

2024 退修會報名表 / Retreat Registration Form

今年八月30、31日與九月1日,將舉辦疫情後的第一次退修會,對全教會開放,住宿三天兩夜,並在外主日崇拜,地點選在 Poco Inn & Suites Hotel
1. 19歲以上,每人:$280
2. 13~18歲,每人:$180
3. 4~12歲,每人 $80
4. 三歲及以下不收費

報名費請以現金交給 Diana Hu姊妹或 E-Transfer至 [email protected]

Join our church retreat on August 30th - 31st and September 1st at Poco Inn & Suites Hotel. Open to everyone, it's a three-day, two-night stay with offsite Sunday worship. Cost varies by age:

1. 19 years and above: $280
2. 13-18 years: $180
3. 4-12 years: $80
4. 3 years and below: Free

See you there!

PLEASE NOTE: no refunds after registration.
Registration fees should be paid in cash to Diana Hu or E-Transfer to: [email protected]

Richmond Christian Church reserves the right to make modifications, changes, and final interpretations of this program.

Family Member(s) 家庭成員

Age 年齡

Contact Info 聯絡資訊

Transportation 交通